Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dance Yo Pants off!

Of the many many differences I encounter here, one of the most beautiful is the traditional dancing- the costumes are the traditional wear of a married Bankole woman, and their dance moves reflect the movement of the large-horned cows (Ankole cattle) moving through the fields. They're dancing the Bishop who visited (one would have thought Jesus was coming the way they prepared) But it was an amazing thing to be a part of. I was able to help the girls into the traditional wear of a married woman as well as learn the songs. They tried to convince me to learn the dance, but I didn't want to steal their thunder with my amazing dance moves.... or not so much- Mom, remember the time you tried to take me to step areobics, definately got Dad's sense of coordination, and I apoligize to all other past dance partners whose toes I've clomped or knocked down on the dance floor. Yeah, no traditional dance for me, but here it is for you to enjoy.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Let's Hear It for The Boys

So here it is, Jon and Stoops. A shout out to my boys that put out. Ok, not really. But this is a shout out. I've been blessed/cursed here at site to have fellow Peace Corps neighbors a stone's throw away from me. All of this will soon change, as these fellas pack up, give me all of their stuff I want, and head back to America in May. However, the Peace Corps Gods have decided that another volunteer should be placed... in my yard. Literally. A new house is going up for the PCV coming in mid April. So Jon and Stoops- for the times we've laughed (mostly at each other) and the times we've cried (silently in our rooms so as not to show weakness) and especially the times we've had one too many Nile Specials and stumbled home, I'll miss you. Don't ever change.