Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's All On the Line

Yep, there they are- 18 pairs of panties, and leaving you to guess what I'm wearing now! I'm back at site, back to reality. And the reality is that I left a giant pile of dirty laundry. So I started with the basics, as Gap suggests, thus making my Panty Prayer Flags.
Getting back into the swing of things has taken some readjustment after my luxurious stay in Kampala regrowing my collarbone. The biggest adjustment was not being able to do all the things I could when I had the power (sorry, couldn't resist). But needing to rely on neighbors and the community to help with small things, such as fetching water, cooking and cleaning, going to town. All of these required assistance, or a large consumption of energy on my part. But the community has been more than welcoming and assisting, bringing by fruits, offering prayers and masses, all because I went too fast over a hump. I've been doing physical therapy to regain strength and doing some housework- as proved above.
Just as I started to get used to site, I'm leaving again tomorrow to go on a long planned trip with my fellow PCV's to Mozambique for 2 weeks- just as soon as my panties dry....