Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just live your life

Here's some pictures of the new year, afterall, they do speak louder than words...Back on the bike!

Rwanda, the most expensive park system in the world...
Wes, me, Derek, and Kate being jackasses at the volcanoes
My coworkers and me in a very Ugandan posed photo
Snorkeling... sans fish and masks.
I ditched Wes for the Masai- mom and dad, meet Jackson.

Juice in my face in Lamu!

Just livin my life...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

31 Margaritas later...

Was trying to think of a catchy way to start out my first post of 2009- which has been in all honesty, mighty fine. I began the new years with fireworks over Rwanda and new years day on a bus back to my site. Rwanda was amazingly beautiful given its horrific past, its recovery is truly inspiring. After a long month at site in Ibanda getting back into my groove, I ventured into Kenya with Wes and we island hopped- ok to 1 island on the Kenyan coast- Lamu. It's my new happy place in my mind-an ancient vacation spot with Moorish and Muslim influence, this place was filled with culture. We had a fabulous time wandering the maze of alleyways, watching donkeys pass and swimming in the crystal clear bath water warm Indian Ocean. An amazing way to start out the new year!
A twist of fate brought me into Kampala for the weekend and onto the volunteer council-where after a long meeting, we discovered a newly advertised happy hour for half priced drinks at a mexican restaurant, and a confusing tally of drinks on fingers at the end of the night....31 margaritas later. Now if that's not life saving, I don't know what is!