Monday, July 28, 2008

I did it speed humping

So, there I was (yes Brent, i owe you for that line)... flying on my pcmobile- aka Japanese made bicycle that's indecently small for my frame, think Josh Brolin biking in The Goonies on a kids bike. As I flew through trading centers, enjoying the day, I hit a speed hump and caught some air. "Weee!" I thought and imagined myself looking rather badass, in my white PC issued helmet and mini bike. I approached the second hump and as I accelerated up the hump, realized the other side of the hump was missing, creating a ramp which launched me into the air. I'm sure I at least threw a hang 10 mid air, but the next thing I remember was being pulled off the road and 30 some faces staring down at me and "muzungu yaafa" being mumbled- translated: The Muzungu died. Then more pain and the realization that I couldn't move. When I came to again, it was to see my good nun friend and nurse- Sister Venny, standing over me, calling my name.

Sister Venny happened to be passing on the road on her way to an outreach with the students and was horrified to find me lain in the back of a vehicle, and my bike on the road. She quickly moved me to the hospital vehicle and transported me to the hospital I volunteer and teach at. There, I was given multiple shots, an x-ray taken to determine my left collarbone was broken, and i received approximately 75 visitors in the next 12 hours. In fact, the whole left side of my body felt rather broken. But I was lucky for many reasons: 1) I lived, thanks to my helmet 2) I'm right-handed 3) Only my ipod headphones were stolen 4) My bike is just fine 5) Peace Corps whisked me away to Kampala where slowly by slowly, I'm healing. After a few weeks, I hope to, well, get back on my bike and ride. But maybe I'll slow hump instead.