Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Get Thee to a Nunnery!

I seem to find friends in the right places- especially when you look to religious life for companionship. I befriended a nun here who speaks the language I'm learning so I could have a chance to practice the language a bit more. I also found out my placement is in Western Uganda, and my nun friend gave me the contact information of yet more nuns in the west. The nuns run the Health center across from the Catholic Church, so I also finagled my way into giving a nutrition presentation to the maternity ward. Some of the other volunteers and I worked on some posters to use, and with the help of a translator, I was able to convey a balanced diet for pregnant and lactating mothers, perhaps it's the beginning of WIC- Uganda. . ..
I was also able to visit Fr. Mike in Kampala- a dear friend from home who teaches at the seminary here in Kampala. It was so great to see him, like a hug from home, AND he gave us Snickers! American candy is like gold here among the trainees, we barter for it, it even brings tears to the eyes of some of the less fortunate giardia stricken trainees.