Saturday, February 21, 2009

31 Margaritas later...

Was trying to think of a catchy way to start out my first post of 2009- which has been in all honesty, mighty fine. I began the new years with fireworks over Rwanda and new years day on a bus back to my site. Rwanda was amazingly beautiful given its horrific past, its recovery is truly inspiring. After a long month at site in Ibanda getting back into my groove, I ventured into Kenya with Wes and we island hopped- ok to 1 island on the Kenyan coast- Lamu. It's my new happy place in my mind-an ancient vacation spot with Moorish and Muslim influence, this place was filled with culture. We had a fabulous time wandering the maze of alleyways, watching donkeys pass and swimming in the crystal clear bath water warm Indian Ocean. An amazing way to start out the new year!
A twist of fate brought me into Kampala for the weekend and onto the volunteer council-where after a long meeting, we discovered a newly advertised happy hour for half priced drinks at a mexican restaurant, and a confusing tally of drinks on fingers at the end of the night....31 margaritas later. Now if that's not life saving, I don't know what is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like we'll be drinking "some" margaritas while you're in Omaha!!!