Friday, October 5, 2007

Auntie- You speaking Luginglish.

I've been at my site visiting for the past few days, and it is just gorgeous here in the West. I can't wait to permanently begin working! I never thought I'd admit that.... But I guess after an entire summer off, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The town I am in is a good size town, and i am a hit success just by greeting in the local language. I literally made someone fall down and begin laughing. There is another volunteer right across the road from me who has been a great resource. I will be working as a Community Health Volunteer here at Compassion Development Center, but during these few days at orientation, I've been assisting the director with letters that are written by the children to their sponsors. I've collected a few phrases:

- Thank you so much for the shit and prayer of pants you sent. I look smart.
- My g-nuts look good.
- Here, we are wet always.
- Back to me, my lives are good. Especially my he-goat.
- May God give to you all that you deduce from life.
- It is Alex trying to attract your attention.

My English is slowly degrading, as my Runyankore picks up, and I mix it all in with Luganda. On top of that, you have to slow down your English and annonciate your Ts, so you end up speaking, as my host brother calls it- Lunginglish. Next step is to play scrabble in Lunginglish.


Unknown said...

I'll send the Scrabble game!! We are so happy for you! Pray to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, I've already heard of miracles that have happened to people praying to her!! I've already added her to my pray list. Here's a quote by Mother Teresa:
"a sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace". Peace be with you. Love, Mom and Dad

K lin to the den said...

DI! I can't get over your ability to mix the profound with the hilarious. You are one of the most entertaining writers around.
I'm awaiting JP II to arrive.. my boyfriend, not the late pope. :) We are planning a trip to Africa to visit you-- though it will probably be 1 year from now.

What is your new address lovie?
Miss you!

jo portnoy said...

Amazing. I start my new job on the 15th! I don't think it will be as entertaining as this though. miss you.

Unknown said...

Diana! I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how things were going and then remembered the blog. I can't believe you're really there! That's really amazing...I wish you the best.

Oh, Jim and Pam are together! In case you didn't know

Kim said...

Diana! Those comments the kids were trying to say were so funny. I enjoyed them quite a bit! How everything is going awesome! I miss you.alot. come back to me. my lova.